    来源: 时间:2019-05-30 浏览:







    2006. 11 – 2009. 12 意大利卡拉布里亚大学化学系 物理化学专业 获博士学位

    2004. 09 – 2006. 10 电子科技大学 光学工程专业 获硕士学位

    1999. 09 – 2003. 07 哈尔滨理工大学 电子科学与技术专业 获学士学位


    2016. 08 - 至今 广东工业大学 副教授

    2014. 03 – 2016. 07 加拿大多伦多大学机械与工业工程系 博士后研究员

    2010. 06 – 2010. 10 加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学工程学院 访问学者

    2010. 02 – 2014. 02 沙特阿卜杜拉国王科技大学物理与电子工程学院 博士后研究员

    2008. 04 – 2008. 10 加拿大皇后大学化学系 访问学者


    广东工业大学青年百人副教授启动项目 2016. 08 – 2021. 07



    1. Huawei Li, Junjie Zhong, Seyed Hadi Zandavi, Aaron Harrinarine Persad Yi Xu, Farshid Mostowfi and David Sinton. “Direct visualization of fluid dynamics in sub-10 nm nanochannels.”Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 9556-9561.

    2. Junjie Zhong, Seyed Hadi Zandavi,Huawei Li, Bo Bao, Aaron Harrinarine Persad, Farshid Mostowfi and David Sinton. “Condensation of Light Hydrocarbons in One-dimension Dead-end Nanochannels”ACS Nano,2017, 11, 304-313.

    3. Bo Bao, Seyed Hadi Zandavi,Huawei Li, Junjie Zhong,Arnav Jatukaran, Farshid Mostowfi and David Sinton. “Bubble nucleation and growth in nanochannels.”Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2017, 19, 223-8229.

    4. Bo Bao, Jason Riordon, Yi Xu,Huawei Li, David Sinton. “Direct Measurement of the Fluid Phase Diagram.”Analytical Chemistry,2016, 88, 6986–6989.

    5. Yiqiang Fan, Feng Gao,Huawei Li, Gang Tang, Jian Zhuang and Bo Yu. “Continuous Size-dependent Sorting of Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles in Laser-ablated Microchannel.”Journal of Nanomaterials,2016, 2016, 1-8.

    6. Huawei Li, Yiqiang Fan, David Conchouso and Ian Foulds. “Surface tension-induced PDMS micro-pillars with controllable tips and tilt angles.”Microsystem Technologies, 2015, 21:445–449.

    7. Yiqiang Fan, Arpys Arevalo,Huawei Li and Ian Foulds. “Low cost silicon wafer dicing using a craft cutter.”Microsystem Technologies, 2015, 21, 1411-1414.

    8. Yiqiang Fan, Huawei Li and Ian Foulds. “Integration of Polystyrene Microlens with both Convex and Concave profiles in Polymer-based Microfluidic System.”Microsystem Technologies, 2014, 20, 815-819.

    9. Yiqiang Fan, Huawei Li, Ying Yi and Ian Foulds. “PMMA to Polystyrene bonding for polymer based microfluidic systems.”Microsystem Technologies,2014, 20, 59-64.

    10. Yiqiang Fan, Huawei Li and Ian Foulds. “Laser micromachined wax-covered plastic paper as both sputter deposition shadow masks and deep-ultraviolet patterning masks for polymethylmethacrylate-based microfluidic systems.” J. Micro/Nanolith.MEMS MOEMS,2013, 12, 4.

    11. Huawei Li, Yiqiang Fan,et al. “CO2 laser-induced bump formation and growth on polystyrene for multi-depth soft lithography molds.”Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,2012, 22, 115037.

    12. Huawei Li, Yiqiang Fan, Rimantas Kodzius and Ian Foulds. “Fabrication of polystyrene microfluidic devices using a pulsed CO2 laser system.”Microsystem Technologies, 2012, 18, 373-379.

    13. Huawei Li, Yiqiang Fan and Ian Foulds. “Rapid and low-cost fabrication of polystyrene-based mold for PDMS microfluidic devices using a CO2 laser.”Advanced Materials Research,2012, 403-408, 4344-4348.

    14. Yiqiang Fan, Yang Liu, Huawei Li, Ian Foulds. “Printed wax masks for 254 nm Deep-UV pattering of PMMA-based microfluidics.” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering,2012, 22, 027001.

    15. Yiqiang Fan, Huawei Li and Ian Foulds. “Fabrication of microlens and microlens array on polystyrene using a CO2 Laser.”Advanced Materials Research,2012, 403-408, 3350-3353.

    16. Huawei Li, Roberto Termine, Nicolas Godbert, Attilio Golemme. “Charge photogeneration and transport in side-chain carbazole polymers and co-polymers.”Organic Electronics,2011, 12, 1184-1191.

    17. Luigi Angiolini, Loris Giorgini,Huawei Li, Attilio Golemme, Francesco Mauriello, Roberto Termine. “Synthesis, characterization and photoconductive properties of optically active methacrylic polymers bearing side-chain 9-phenylcarbazole moieties.”Polymer,2010, 51, 368-377.

    18. Huawei Li, Roberto Termine, Luigi Angiolini, Loris Giorgini, Francesco Mauriello, Attilio Golemme. “High Tg, nonpoled photorefractive polymers.”Chemistry of Materials, 2009, 21, 2403-2409.

    19. 李华伟, 黄子强. 基于二元光学的光波分束器,光子技术,2006, 3, 156.


    1. Huawei Li, Yiqiang Fan, Ying Yi and Ian Foulds. “Surface Tension-Induced High Aspect-Ratio PDMS Micropillars With Concave And Convex Lens Tips.” in8th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS 2013),2013, pp. 187-190.

    2. Yiqiang Fan,Huawei Li, Ying Yi and Ian Foulds. “Low-cost rapid prototyping of flexible plastic paper based microfluidic device.” in8th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS 2013),2013, pp. 175-178.

    3. Yiqiang Fan,Huawei Li and Ian Foulds. “Integrated lenses in polystyrene microfluidic devices.” In 8th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (NEMS 2013),2013, pp. 108-111.

    4. Yiqiang Fan,Huawei Li, David Conchouso, Ian G. Foulds. “Simulation and Fabrication of Integrated Polystyrene Microlens in Microfluidic Systems.” Published inSPIE (The international society for optics and photonics) Proceedings Vol. 8763: Smart Sensors, Actuators, and MEMS VI,2013, doi:10.1117/12.2015509.

    5. Huawei Li, Yiqiang Fan and Ian Foulds. “One-step multi-depth polystyrene molds for PDMS soft-lithography through laser-induced bumping.” Published in 16th International Conference on Miniaturized Systmes for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS2012),2012, pp. 656-658.




