雷君君,湖南衡阳人,中南大学学士,英国南安普顿大学博士、Doctoral Prize Research Fellow(于2015年荣获英国EPSRC Doctoral Prize),广东工业大学副教授、硕士生导师。目前主要从事声微流控理论、超声微纳操控等领域的研究;近年在LoC、PRAppl.、APL等国际学术期刊上发表了SCI论文20余篇,其中最高单篇被引100余次;主持在研国家自然科学基金青年项目、广东省自然科学基金面上项目、广州市基础与应用基础研究项目等多项基金项目,同时作为核心成员参与了数项英国EPSRC基金项目的研究。担任LoC、SNAB、APL、PoF、AMM、IEEE TUFFC、RSC Adv.、RoSI等国际学术期刊的审稿人。任中国医学装备协会超声分会超声换能器与材料专业委员会委员、中国声学学会会员。
2016/01-2017/01,University of Southampton,Faculty of Engineering and the Environment,Doctoral Prize Research Fellow
[1]. 广东省自然科学基金面上项目,10万元,2021/01-2023/12,主持
[2]. 广州市基础与应用基础研究项目(博士青年科技人员类),5万元,2021/04-2023/03,主持
[3]. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,27万元,2019/01-2021/12,主持
[4]. 广东工业大学350VIP浦京集团・(中国)有限公司‘种子基金’,10万元,2019/01-2019/12,主持
[5]. 广东工业大学青年百人科研启动基金,20万元,2017/06-2022/06,主持
[6]. EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship,3.5万英镑,2016/01-2017/01,主持
[1]. Junjun Lei*, Gaokun Zheng, Zhen Yao and Zhigang Huang, Outer Acoustic Streaming Flow Driven by Asymmetric Acoustic Resonances, Micromachines, 13(1), 65, 2022. PDF
[2]. Qin Lin, Feiyan Cai*, Junjun Lei, Qing-ying Luo, Fei Li, Jiaqian Wang, Xiangxiang Xia, Jinping Wang, Junhao Li and Hairong Zheng*, Numerical study of enhanced Rayleigh streaming in resonant cylindrical shells, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 31, 1004005, 2021. PDF
[3]. Guotian Liu, Junjun Lei*, Feng Cheng, Kemin Li, Xuanrong Ji, Zhigang Huang and Zhongning Guo, Ultrasonic Particle Manipulation in Glass Capillaries: A Concise Review, Micromachines, 12(8), 876, 2021. PDF
[4]. Zhigang Huang, Luming Ge, Weixun Wei, Yu Deng, and Junjun Lei*, Multiphase lattice Boltzmann modeling of dielectrophoresis fractionation of soft particles, Physics of Fluids, 33, 063311, 2021. PDF
[5]. Guannan Yang, Wei Lin, Haiqi Lai, Jin Tong, Junjun Lei, Maodan Yuan, Yu Zhang* and Chengqiang Cui*, Understanding the relationship between particle size and ultrasonic treatment during the synthesis of metal nanoparticles, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 73, 105497, 2021. PDF
[6]. Junjun Lei*, Feng Cheng, Kemin Li, Guotian Liu, Yongjun Zhang, Zhongning Guo and Yongkang Zhang, Simultaneous imaging and manipulation of microparticles in horizontal and vertical planes of microchannels using a single objective lens, Applied Physics Letters, 117 (22), 224101, 2020. PDF
[7]. Junjun Lei*, Feng Cheng, Guotian Liu, Kemin Li and Zhongning Guo, Dexterous formation of unconventional Chladni patterns using standing bulk acoustic waves, Applied Physics Letters, 117 (18), 184101, 2020. PDF
[8]. Valerio Pereno, Junjun Lei, Dario Carugo and Eleanor Stride*, Microstreaming inside model cells induced by ultrasound and microbubbles, Langmuir, 36, 6388-6398, 2020. PDF
[9]. Junjun Lei*, Feng Cheng, Kemin Li and Zhongning Guo, Numerical simulation of continuous separation of microparticles in two-stage acousto-microfluidic systems, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 83, 342-356, 2020. PDF
[10]. Junjun Lei*, Feng Cheng and Kemin Li, Numerical Simulation of Boundary-Driven Acoustic Streaming in Microfluidic Channels with Circular Cross-Sections, Micromachines, 11 (3), 240, 2020. PDF
[11]. Junjun Lei*, Feng Cheng, Kemin Li and Zhongning Guo, Two-dimensional concentration of microparticles using bulk acousto-microfluidics, Applied Physics Letters, 116 (3), 033104, 2020. PDF
[12]. Junjun Lei*, Feng Cheng and Zhongning Guo, Standard and inverse transducer-plane streaming patterns in resonant acoustofluidic devices: Experiments and simulations, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 77, 456-468, 2020. PDF
[13]. Fei Li, Xiangxiang Xia, Zhiting Deng, Junjun Lei, Yaxi Shen, Qin Lin, Wei Zhou, Long Meng, Junru Wu, Feiyan Cai* and Hairong Zheng*, Ultrafast Rayleigh-like streaming in a sub-wavelength slit between two phononic crystal plates, Journal of Applied Physics, 125 (13), 134903, 2019. PDF
[14]. Junjun Lei*, Martyn Hill, Carlos Ponce de León Albarrán and Peter Glynne-Jones*, Effects of micron scale surface profiles on acoustic streaming, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 22 (12), 140, 2018. PDF
[15]. Fei Li, Yang Xiao, Junjun Lei, Xiangxiang Xia, Wei Zhou, Long Meng, Lili Niu, Junru Wu, Jiangyu Li, Feiyan Cai* and Hairong Zheng*, Rapid acoustophoretic motion of microparticles manipulated by phononic crystals, Applied Physics Letters, 113 (17), 173503, 2018. PDF
[16]. Fei Li, Fei Yan, Zhiyi Chen, Junjun Lei, Jinsui Yu, Mian Chen, Wei Zhou, Long Meng, Lili Niu, Junru Wu, Jiangyu Li, Feiyan Cai* and Hairong Zheng*, Phononic crystal-enhanced near-boundary streaming for sonoporation, Applied Physics Letters, 113 (8), 083701, 2018. PDF
[17]. Junjun Lei*, Martyn Hill* and Peter Glynne-Jones*, Transducer-plane streaming patterns in thin-layer acoustofluidic devices, Physical Review Applied, 8 (1), 014018, 2017. PDF
[18]. Junjun Lei*, Formation of inverse Chladni patterns in liquids at microscale: roles of acoustic radiation and streaming-induced drag forces, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 21 (3), 50, 2017. PDF
[19]. Junjun Lei*, Peter Glynne-Jones and Martyn Hill, Comparing methods for the modelling of boundary-driven streaming in acoustofluidic devices, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 21 (2), 23, 2017. PDF
[20]. Junjun Lei, Peter Glynne-Jones and Martyn Hill*, Modal Rayleigh-like streaming in acoustofluidic devices, Physics of Fluids (1994-present), 28 (1), 012004, 2016. PDF
[21]. Junjun Lei, Martyn Hill* and Peter Glynne-Jones, Numerical simulation of 3D boundary-driven acoustic streaming in microfluidic devices, Lab on a Chip, 14 (3), 532, 2014. PDF
[22]. Dyan N Ankrett*, Dario Carugo, Junjun Lei, Peter Glynne-Jones, Paul A Townsend, Xunli Zhang and Martyn Hill, The effect of ultrasound-related stimuli on cell viability in microfluidic channels, Journal of nanobiotechnology, 11 (1), 20, 2013. PDF
[23]. Junjun Lei, Peter Glynne-Jones* and Martyn Hill, Acoustic streaming in the transducer plane in ultrasonic particle manipulation devices, Lab on a Chip, 13 (11), 2133, 2013. PDF
[1]. Junjun Lei et al., VARIATIONS OF ACOUSTIC RESONANCES IN CIRCULAR MICROFLUIDIC CHANNELS, ICSV27, Annual Congress of International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV), 11-16 July 2021.
[2]. Junjun Lei et al., DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF TWO-STAGE ACOUSTO-MICROFLUIDIC SYSTEMS FOR MICROPARTICLE SEPARATIONS, ICSV27, Annual Congress of International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV), 11-16 July 2021.
[3]. Junjun Lei et al., SIMULTANEOUS IMAGING OF THREE-DIMENSIONAL MICROPARTICLE ACOUSTOPHORESIS IN MICROCHANNELS, ICSV27, Annual Congress of International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV), 11-16 July 2021.
[4]. 雷君君等,一种微观颗粒的二维超声聚集装置及其高效观测方法,全国声学大会,上海,2021.03.
[5]. 雷君君等,超声微观颗粒聚集与分离数值模拟,全国声学大会,深圳,2019.09.
[6]. 雷君君等,薄层声操控装置三维换能器平面声流模型,全国声学大会,北京,2018.11.
[7]. Junjun Lei et al., Observation of inverse transducer-plane streaming patterns, 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Hiroshima, Japan, 2018.07.
[8]. Junjun Lei et al., Modal Rayleigh-like streaming in layered acoustofluidic particle manipulation devices, International Congress on Ultrasonics/Acoustofluidics 2015, Metz, France, 2015.05.
[9]. Junjun Lei et al., Effects of surface profile on a boundary-driven acoustic streaming field, Acoustofluidics 2014, Prato, Italy, 2014.09.
[10]. Junjun Lei et al., Effects of surface profile on a boundary-driven acoustic streaming field, 21st International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Beijing, China, 2014.07.
[11]. Junjun Lei et al., Numerical simulation of 3D acoustophoretic motion of microparticles in an acoustofluidic device, Acoustofluidics 2013, Southampton, UK, 2013.09.
[12]. Junjun Lei et al., Acoustic streaming in the transducer plane in resonant manipulation devices, USWNet 2012, Lund, Sweden, 2012.09.
[1]. 一种显微镜下微流体通道y,z方向同时聚焦的观测方法,2020-07-20, CN202010700624.X
[2]. 一种微米颗粒二维聚集方法和聚集装置,2020-01-22,CN202010075464.4
[3]. Micro-LED衬底的阵列排列转移方法、转移装置、显示装置,2019-06-25, CN201910555823.3
2015年,荣获 英国EPSRC Doctoral Prize
2011年,荣获 国家公派留学攻读博士学位奖学金